Month: May 2023

Ocean VR Experience

Yesterday 3 people from the Blake Organisation came to Tangaroa and presented a talk about ocean life and how humans have slowly polluted the ocean life.

One of the girls was controlling the videos with her phone She would play unhealthy waters & then a healthy. A healthy ocean is sometimes protected so people cant fish there and you CANT TAKE anything from the beach or the water for an Eg: A shell and bird But we can take rubbish like an plastic bottle or and plastic shopping bag.  She would give us time to talk about the videos and show us how to tell if a body of water is clean or dirty
1) The water is green and not clear
2) rubbishes at the bottom
3) there is not a lot of fish
4) And no seaweed
  The Blake Organisation was founded by Sir Peter Blake, the famous NZ sailor who won the  world races in all five years . Sir Blake was killed by pirates they broke into his boat and was trying to robe the boat but Blake was not going to let that slide he stood up  for his people but sadly got shot in the cross firer and past away.
I learned that you need to take care of our ocean (kaitiakitanga) Link to watch Underwater NZ online 360 videos for free

Project Jonah

Kelly from Project Jonah came and presented a talk about saving whales and dolphins. Project Jonah is a group of people that get called out to whales and dolphins that stranded stuck beaches. To save a whale if we found one on the beach 1) You would try and keep water on the wale but NOT in its blow hole because that is how it breathes & not in its eyes 2) Find a white blanket to put over the wales body to keep the wale cool 3)  Call this number 0800 494 253 This will alarm Project Jonah & will help get the whale back into the ocean safely.

3 Cs to remember for stranded whales: Cool  Calm Collective, constant pouring water, waiting for high tide. Clear around pectoral fins.

Stay away from the tail as it weighs a lot and is quite big.

Some facts: A sperm whale is 18m long, breaths hold 90mins nose echo location means it sends a pulse and when it hits an object the pulse reflects back to the whale. Paikea- humpback 18m long.

Kaikoura has a  deep shoreline, with plenty of shelter and  abundance of food , dolphins and whales  have their babies there all year round.

In the ocean there is man made rubbish that the sea life are living in because its been there for YEARS so they have adapted to it. Some fish life have micro plastics growing out of them.




Greenhouse Gases pros and cons

Pro / Positives
warms the planet to its comfortable average of 57 degrees Fahrenheit (13.9 degrees Celsius) and keeps life on earth, well, livable.
Greenhouse gasses protect all living things on Earth from dangerous solar radiation.
keep our planet liveable  by holding onto some of Earth’s heat energy so that it doesn’t all escape into space.
Cons / Negatives
Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature. 
As the Earth continues to warm due to the greenhouse gasses, water heats up and expands causing sea levels to rise. 


One December morning before Christmas a young boy  was waiting for Santa when he heard footsteps on his roof he was ecstatic!  The boy went to find a hiding spot so he could see him. 2 minutes later the fireplace was shaking then Santa appeared and the boy couldn’t hold back his excitement! But then when Santa turned around He had a twisted figure. Santa had no face and there was blood on his hands. But the worst thing was his present sack was not filled with presents. He tore limbs off The kids, the boy was petrified….In as quick as a flash the boy joined the kids in Santa’s sack… Then the boy woke up Boy had seen Santa that day but that was not Santa. No one believed him. He kept on dreaming about that morning , the last part was something he made up  he didn’t join the sack kids. Santa didn’t see him. ever since that day he’s never enjoyed Christmas. He never comes out for the Christmas dinner or for the presents and he’s sure never went downstairs on Christmas morning. The boy had a little sister that he despised. The boy had no heart anymore and all of his emotions shut off. Well anyways present day It was the night before Christmas that way having the eggnog and the pudding But the boy just sat upstairs in his room like he always did. Then his sister came upstairs and beg him to come down but he refused. She just stood in his room she Ask him 

“Why don’t you like Christmas”

He looked at his sister and the memories Flashed back he walked over to his sister and wisped into her ears Don’t ever ask  me that again then she said you have a heart of stone

Then she left to go enjoy her Christmas pudding. Morning the boy was awoken to the sound of screams He sprinted into his sister’s room to find her body on the ground her limbs war torn off He just stood there then the closet door opened Santa was standing there both of the kids joined Santa sack.Then the parents woke up and said Merry Christmas everyone!




Last Friday we learned about analog clocks & how to tell the time We used this site to learn how to read them. In our maths book we Wrote down the times counting up in fives & that helped us read an analog clock. I hope you try out the site & learn how to read an analog clock yourself.