Year: 2024

Literary/ writing


The explosion was enormous. The whole city was wiped out, disappeared to who knows where? Jake and I survived. Of course I would be stuck with the one person that I despised, Jake is my brother and an annoying one at that. 

“Why didn’t you bring your phone!” I raise my voice at him, I have every right to. 

“It’s not my fault! The bomb destroyed it!” I could tell that he was about to cry, I could see the tears in his eyes. 

“Please don’t cry, I’m not in the mood for tears” I say with a rude tone.

“Why don’t you care that our family is dead! Mum, Dad. They’re all GONE!” His words hit home, But he’s right.  

“Shut up! Why would you care if you never even said that you loved THEM!”        a sudden burst of adrenaline surges through me. I walk away, leaving Jake there all alone, I don’t care he deserves it. All this time wasted on helping him and making sure that he wasn’t hurt, Why? He obviously doesn’t care.


I’m full of his little games and tricks. It’s good that I’m walking away. He’ll find a way to survive by himself. 

“Ashley! Come back!” I hear my brother’s voice from behind me, I turn on my heels.

“What? What do you want? I’m not going to help you anymore because you don’t want IT!” I break down on the floor, tears streaming down my face. I look so stupid but don’t mind it. The thought of never seeing my family again scares me. I can never hug my mum again,……I wish that this was all a-


“Ashley…wake up!” I jumped awake,My mum standing above me.

Mum!” I pull her into a warm embrace, I think to myself.

“Only a dream”               





Periodic Table project

The term me and my class have been doing science and we did work on the periodic table, Our teacher told us  to make a art piece of the periodic table. I got Niobium, (I think its a rock)  I made the goddess Niobe, Fun fact Niobium is named after Niobe. I hope that you liked my art work.


This term for action stations I did dance with Talei.

The first week we learned a hip hop dance to 7 rings by Ariana Grande. I found this a bit difficult but I pulled through and did the dance.

The second dance that we did was Heel and toe polka. What I found difficult was holding hands with other people that I don’t know but I enjoyed it at the end. Overall I really enjoyed dance.


This week my literacy group has been learning about the periodic table. I did research on gold, I found this easy but a wee bit hard. It took me about 20 minutes to fully complete it. Here’s the text.



As a lot of us may know that gold is one of the most expensive things in the world, But you may not know that gold’s scientific name is actually Aurum. Gold is also number 79 on the periodic table.  


Gold was originally found by the Egyptians around 2450 B.C. The find was credited to an Egyptian alchemist named Zosimos, He was mining for something else when he came across it, The Egyptians would use this gold to make jewelry for the rich. Here in New Zealand was discord gold in 1852 by Charles Ring. 


People use gold for a lot of different reasons like, 



Space exploration

Gold medals





In Space

And that’s only some of them.





This term I have been doing theatre sports, I had to go down to Tane Mahuta. Me and my friends played some games like Whoosh, Name game, Shapes, Freeze game. I enjoyed the games (Sometimes) Because it’s fun to get to know new people and make new friends. The most challenging thing was probably talking. I would do this again.



This week I have been putting a speech together about why kids should stop vaping, I found this really hard because I have never done this before. It took me some time to put the speech all together because I needed to find all the info that I needed. After some time I finished it and recorded it, Recording my speech took A LOT of time. (I messed up a lot)

Here’s the speech I hope you enjoy.   ↓

Hi. I’m Emma and this is my speech about why kids should stop vaping.


68 people die from vaping every year including kids (That could be your kids). Just imagine you are walking into your 12 year old kid room to check up on them and they are vaping.. Personally I would be gutted, There are only 12!. The 2022 results report that 

  1. 1% of year 10 students vape daily 2.8 million U.S. kids own a vape, And the worst part of this is that they start vaping by peer pressure, their friends! To me if my friends peer pressured me into something I would be more than upset, and also that’s how they get addicted. Ingesting or inhaling vape substances can cause vomiting, sweating, drowsiness/tiredness, shaking, confusion, seizures and even death. (Yeah, they can die)Diacetyl is frequently added to flavoured e-Liquid to enhance the taste. Diacetyl is added to popcorn. So yeah it’s pretty bad to inhale. Inhaling diacetyl causes inflammation and may lead to permanent scarring in the branches of the airways – Popcorn lung- Which makes breathing difficult. Despite the signs at stores and laws and fines of up to $10,000 for selling to under 18’s, kids are getting hold of vapes via the internet and courier services, it’s just way too easy. Kids are the next generation.  

    Kids are growing up so their bodies are changing, so when they inhale these toxins the damage is severe. The more you vape the more your brain and body gets used to having nicotine and the harder it is to go without it. When you go without vaping your bloodstream drops which can cause unpleasant feelings, physical symptoms and strong urges to vape. Fun fact! Within the first 10 seconds of your first puff of nicotine you have already taken 10 minutes off of your life, And when your kids start vaping in their teen’s you’re not going to have kids for long… 

    Yes, vaping can help some people quit smoking. Vaping is usually cheaper than smoking. Vaping is not harmless, but it is much less harmful than smoking. Vaping is less harmful to those around you than smoking, as there’s no current evidence that second-hand vapor is dangerous to others but it’s still bad. Nicotine exposure during teenage  years can harm brain development which continues until about age 25 It can impact learning, memory and attention.  


    And that’s why I think kids should stop vaping. Do more today to help stop your kids from vaping. 







Tody we did crbersmart on screenshots. When you take a whole screensthot you press a ctrl and the button by the refresh . When you take a half screenshot you press Shift and ctrl and the button by the refresh . I made an all about me!

Hope you liked it!

This Week….

This week I have done a lot but here is something that I have done.

Literacy, In literacy I have been practicing and planning my speech about why kids shouldn’t vape. But anyways I learnt how to persuade someone. I have enjoyed literacy so far.