Persuasive writing


We are learning about persuasive writing, I used Pros & Cons and persuasive language….

Draft – 1 


Reasons Why I Should Go to the Stray Kids Concert in Australia… 


*Firstly, stray kids are a big part of my life. It would Change my life forever. I would pay for the flight. I would gladly do the dishes for 2 weeks. I will never ask for anything ever again….(Maybe) 

So that’s why I should go to stray kids in Australia .       


Draft- 2


Reasons why I should go to the Stray kids concert in Australia.


I Have been into Stray kids for 4 years now and they are a big part of my life and mental well being. I would pay for my flight to Australia and I would gladly do the dishes for month’s & clean me and Bella’s bathroom. If you are trying to Convince your parents (like me) let you go to a concert use These phrases:

I’ll pay, I promise. (Maybe) .

I will gladly do all the homework. (Even though I don’t have any) .

It would be life changing and better for my mental health.


Spencer park Camp

Spencer park Camp.


Next week i’m going to camp at Spencer park. I want to show success when i’m walking to Spencer park (It takes about two hours)  I would like to show resilience while walking too. I have to set up my tent by not breaking it.  I want to show integrity while putting up my tent. ME and my group have to cook dinner…So I want to show success. I am going to show integrity even when no one is looking.

2023 Reflection

This year I was a year 7 but next year I  will be a year 8 scary I know but let’s look back at my year.

Term one  

At the start of term one I was petrified of moving into Tangaroa mostly just scared of Nogo and Mr Redmond & the maths. When I was put into my math group I was so scared that I would be put into Nogo’s maths but I was put in Talei’s. I cant remember anything else in term one that so all.


Term Two

Term two was really good I made new friends and I was doing good  at my maths and literary (I was in Nogo’s literary group ) We learned about our school goals and. This term I was getting used to going to tech every thursday. Term two we also started to learn Te reo with Mr Redmond. Me and my best friend were not good at this because we didn’t normally do this. We slowly started to introduce kaitiaktitangaI Did not know what Kaitiakitanga was at the start of the year. I knew that it had something to do with plants and nature but I did not know. Now I know that  kaitiakitanga is being a protector/Guardian of your space and the space around you. You can show kaitiakitanga by picking up the trash around you and cleaning up. At home, help around the house protect the world.  To explain to new kids what kaitiakitanga is. I would tell them to clean up and tidy their mess and to protect the world around them. Thats basically what we were learning. And that wraps up term Two.


Term Three 

Term three I joined the choir and really liked it  at the end of this we actually went to the town hall and sang about 8 songs. We also did winter sport I did netball and I was in the B team. Term three was also when Nogos literary group did poetry  I loved doing poetry this was because We got to make our own poems and storys. This was the time that I did more things. In tyhe mornings Nogo was doing dance me and my friends went to dance and we had the most fun ever. We Learned so many  dances   like the Cowboy up and The cupid Shuffle and many more. I really improved my spelling And thats Because of Nogo making us do A story every time in literary. Also in term three  we  went on the ski trip This was So fun my dad came to he tripped over about 10 billion times but over all that was a fun time. Term  three we were put into inquiry groups i was put into Taleis and we were making organic cleaning products Me and my best friend George made a spray and wipe called Gemma and Co. 


Term Four 

This Term was really good that my year eight friends are leaving the school at this time we were only to be doing reflection and hero posts and a lot of tests. My Goals four next year are Try everything Get better at maths by practising at home Get better at my spelling by trying to write more and make more friends. When I leave school I want to remember the memories I made and figure out what path I’m going to go down.  


Side Stroke

In the sidestroke, the legs perform a repeated scissor kick. The top leg reaches forward in this kick while the bottom leg reaches back with the knees slightly bent. Then both legs come together pushing your  body forward in the water.  When swimming the side stroke start off by bending your lower arm at the elbow and pushing it back against the water. Next make an in sweep with your hand until it comes  in front of your chest  Simultaneously bend your upper arm and slide it forward until your hand is above that of your other hand. . Hope you try side stroke out! 

First Aid

Yesterday I had my first Aid day session With St John. We first talked about what you can do if someone is unresponsive. First you have to talk to them and ask if they can hear you If they do not respond then rub their collarbone ( It Hunts) if they still do not respond check if they’re breathing. Then you have to roll them over on to their side put one of their arms close to their ear and the other one on there stomach then put one leg up and roll them towards you.

CPR. The lady that was teaching us bought some mannequins out so we could practice CPR  ( Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)

You put two hands over each other then start do 30 then two breath’s If you want two.



Choir 2023

Yesterday Night My Choir group performed at the town hall! I was very Scared but it was really fun George was sitting next to me and we were both so happy to be there. The orchestra was all kids ( Year 8 & 7 )  There was all the interments. My family came to watch. They were so happy to see me sing at the town hall (My sister did not like the music but that’s just her) Over all I really enjoyed the Choir and I would do It again.  I hope you try out Choir!

Athletics Day

Yesterday was Athletics day I was not looking forward to Athletics But I really enjoyed it. First I had Shot Put, I was surprised that I got over 6 meters! (That was the highlight of my day ) Jessica got over 7 Meters! Next I was heading the long jump I Love Long jump My highest  Jump was 3 meters. Two girls in my class got over 4 meters!


High Jump

I am not the best at High jump so lets say the high jump did not go very well.. I made it over the first bar but then I  flipped over the second bar. I did that 4 TIMES! Well I liked high jump but I cannot do it! But me and my friends having a good time

But overall I Really Enjoyed Athletics Day I think that it’s fun to compete with your friends and most of all  I would never do it again.




What Would I like to Invent?

A house that can Change how it looks with a click of a Button. I will Sell this house for 110,000 and then make a flying car with that money. 

What am I very good at doing?

Swimming I got Offered to go to the QEII  Bronze award swimming group but I declined. I also do art and I think I am good at that.

What do I like doing in my spare time at home?

Cleaning, playing online games, going outside, Taking the dog for a walk, Hanging out with  friends, Sleeping, Reading,  I have a lot of things that I do in my spare time.