Tag: dolphins

Project Jonah

Kelly from Project Jonah came and presented a talk about saving whales and dolphins. Project Jonah is a group of people that get called out to whales and dolphins that stranded stuck beaches. To save a whale if we found one on the beach 1) You would try and keep water on the wale but NOT in its blow hole because that is how it breathes & not in its eyes 2) Find a white blanket to put over the wales body to keep the wale cool 3)  Call this number 0800 494 253 This will alarm Project Jonah & will help get the whale back into the ocean safely.

3 Cs to remember for stranded whales: Cool  Calm Collective, constant pouring water, waiting for high tide. Clear around pectoral fins.

Stay away from the tail as it weighs a lot and is quite big.

Some facts: A sperm whale is 18m long, breaths hold 90mins nose echo location means it sends a pulse and when it hits an object the pulse reflects back to the whale. Paikea- humpback 18m long.

Kaikoura has a  deep shoreline, with plenty of shelter and  abundance of food , dolphins and whales  have their babies there all year round.

In the ocean there is man made rubbish that the sea life are living in because its been there for YEARS so they have adapted to it. Some fish life have micro plastics growing out of them.