Tag: Ocean VR

Ocean VR Experience

Yesterday 3 people from the Blake Organisation came to Tangaroa and presented a talk about ocean life and how humans have slowly polluted the ocean life.

One of the girls was controlling the videos with her phone She would play unhealthy waters & then a healthy. A healthy ocean is sometimes protected so people cant fish there and you CANT TAKE anything from the beach or the water for an Eg: A shell and bird But we can take rubbish like an plastic bottle or and plastic shopping bag.  She would give us time to talk about the videos and show us how to tell if a body of water is clean or dirty
1) The water is green and not clear
2) rubbishes at the bottom
3) there is not a lot of fish
4) And no seaweed
  The Blake Organisation was founded by Sir Peter Blake, the famous NZ sailor who won the  world races in all five years . Sir Blake was killed by pirates they broke into his boat and was trying to robe the boat but Blake was not going to let that slide he stood up  for his people but sadly got shot in the cross firer and past away.
I learned that you need to take care of our ocean (kaitiakitanga) Link to watch Underwater NZ online 360 videos for free