Tag: quota

New Zealand Fish Quota

Fishing Quota. There is a difference between commercial and recreational fishing because it depends on the size of your “catch”. 

By law, catch limits for every fish stock have to be set at levels that ensure their long-term sustainability.Who owns the fishing quota in NZ?Only New Zealanders or New Zealand-owned companies can own fishing quota in New Zealand. Foreign ownership of shares in New Zealand quota-owning 

Individual fishing quotas give fishers incentives to reduce costs (or increase productivity), lengthen the harvest season and increase price by improving catch quality.

Why are quotas important?

Countries use quotas in international trade to help regulate the volume of trade between them and other countries. Countries sometimes impose quotas on specific products to reduce imports and increase domestic production. In theory, quotas boost domestic production by restricting foreign competition.

New Zealand’s seafood industry plays a key role in the country’s economy, contributing around $2 billion in export earnings and employing more than 13,000 people, who provide New Zealand and the world with high quality, nutritious and great tasting seafood.

New Zealand’s seafood industry plays a key role in the country’s economy, contributing around $2 billion in export earnings and employing more than 13,000 people, who provide New Zealand and the world with high quality, nutritious and great tasting seafood.

New Zealand fish guide.

The guide covers 252 species from 97 families, including hagfishes, cartilaginous

(chimeras, sharks, skates, and rays) and bony teleost fishes.

NZ Freshwater Fish Database

  • Alpine galaxias.
  • Freshwater Eels.
  • Atlantic salmon.
  • Australian longfin eel.
  • Banded Kokopu.
  • Bignose galaxias.
  • Black flounder.
  • Black mudfish.
  • snapper

Since snapper is the most common species and most desired fish by most angers , I will give you a general overview of the fish movements here. You can read all about their habitat etc by clicking on the individual tab below. Snapper can be found all year round.

And last but not least all the fish in New Zealand names with a link to!

Alpine galaxias